When I casually admitted to being a finalist in a Junior Miss-type pageant, I was double dog dared to share a picture of myself for #TBT (Throw Back Thursday). My friends today know me as the camper, hiker eco-chick who wears her Birkenstocks everywhere. In other words, Elspeth in a gown, taking a stage is...
Join us on Facebook for email marketing tips all month long !!! I have a dirty little secret. I’ve been hiding behind it for the last few years, and I’m not proud of it. However, it’s been a growth phase for me and I want to work towards being more transparent with my community. The truth is I...
Not everyone benefits from having a blog writer on their team. While a copywriter can increase your sales, ensure that content gets published, and give you great exposure, this can only happen if you let them work their magic. You see, copywriters aren’t project managers or creative directors. They are not typically on par with being paid...
Are you standing in your own way? Truly, do you wait to be told what to do, or make excuses for when things don’t get done? Let’s touch on the one big way your freelance marketing could get nipped in the bud before it even gets off the ground: Excuses This sounds like: And if...
You know what irks me? Ok, don’t ask that. Unless you have a bottle of bourbon and at least a full day to spend listening Instead, I wanted to focus on a few freelance marketing things you don’t need to spend your money on. And while delegation plays a huge role in business growth, in the beginning...